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Art Studio Line

Art Projects for kids who want to dive deep into artistic concepts. These kits incorporate multi-step directions which inspire endless creative possibilities. Packed with premium supplies and expertly designed instructions, these art projects provide the foundation for lifelong artistic skills and learning. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Toy Station

This sculpture project teaches artists how to begin designing in three dimensions using simple design-planning techniques. They become the inventor, learning how to balance shapes and repeat colors to create a 3D wooden toy. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Toy Station Holiday Edition

This sculpture project teaches artists how to begin designing in three dimensions using simple design-planning techniques. In this project they become the inventor, learning how to balance shapes and repeat colors to create wonderful 3D wooden holiday toys! Designed for ages 7 and up.


Bird on a Wire

This is a watercolor project that teaches observational drawing skills. This project design encourages kids to make connections between representations of birds seen in photographs, nature, and their imagination. By using visual scaffolding, we build artistic confidence and encourage each kid to express the world from their own lens. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Toy Invasion

This project teaches kids how to invent stories by looking at their world and imagining their own characters who come to life!! Utilizing the masking technique, they create a multidimensional scene for their toy characters to leap, fly, and climb across the page to fulfill the vision. Kids are in charge of the process from conception to completion. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Tall Tall Timbers

This is a drawing project that teaches kids about the power of perspective and introduces them to the magic of the eastern shoreline. We share simple techniques for drawing trees and take kids on a journey to a place where they become caretakers of our unique eastern shoreline. By locating our project in Tall Timbers Maryland, we shine a spotlight on the habitat and ecosystem of the Chesapeake watershed. By drawing, we slow down, observe what we see, and understand through scale that we humans are part of a much bigger whole. At the Yellow Line, our journey is SO. MUCH. FUN. (Intended age 7+) ($28.00)


Full Color Press

This printmaking project teaches the basics of texture, layered color, and collage relief printing. Using a gelli plate, found material, and lots of imagination, kids can create their own at-home printmaking studio to turn up the music and have fun with their family and friends. The Deluxe version has a massive 8x10” gelli plate to supersize your imagination! Designed for ages 7 and up.


Sweet Sweet Chessie

This clay project uses the traditions of myth and mystery to imagine a sea creature through drawing, sculpting, and painting. The Deluxe edition includes twice as much clay for two times the magical fun! Designed for ages 7 and up.


Zoom In Zoom Out

This drawing project teaches you how to work from the center of an idea and zoom out. At Yellow Line we know how important the elements of scale and time are to each story, and we want you to become an expert in both. We also want you to learn how to use time and scale on a single image rather than sequentially. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Fly with Chagall

This drawing project introduces students to artist Marc Chagall and his whimsical, floating dreamlike paintings. Structured on the power of the color blue, students create their own story by using relief techniques with oil pastels and drawing ink on blue paper. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Beautiful Botanicals

Want to EXPLORE the natural world! Embrace the outdoors and put your naturalist hat on! Look for flowers, weeds, and any plant that is beautiful, curious, odd, or stands out to you! You're about to embark on some naturalist art fun! This project reflects our desire as humans to document the beauty that we see, preserving our experiences forever. SO. MUCH. FUN. Designed for ages 7 and up.


Animal Rescue

This project introduces you to the basics of how our eyes can perceive shapes and how our brains can categorize those shapes into something completely different that also spawns feelings. By using a piece of found wood, you will create your very own animal for rescue! You also get to learn some basics of woodworking.  Designed for ages 7 and up.


Invasion de Juguetes

Este proyecto enseña a los niños a inventar historias mirando su mundo e imaginando sus propios personajes que cobran vida! Utilizando la técnica de enmascaramiento, crean una escena multidimensional para que sus personajes de juguete salten, vuelen y trepen por la página para cumplir la visión. Los niños están a cargo del proceso desde la concepción hasta la finalización. maderos altos altos (Edad prevista 7+)


Maderos Altos Altos

Este es un proyecto de dibujo que enseña a los niños sobre el poder de la perspectiva y les presenta la magia de la costa este. Compartimos técnicas simples para dibujar árboles y llevamos a los niños a un viaje a un lugar donde se convierten en cuidadores de nuestra costa este única. Al ubicar nuestro proyecto en Tall Timbers Maryland, destacamos el hábitat y el ecosistema de la cuenca de Chesapeake. Al dibujar, disminuimos la velocidad, observamos lo que vemos y entendemos a través de la escala que los humanos somos parte de un todo mucho más grande. En la Línea Amarilla, nuestro viaje es So. Mucho. Diversión. (Edad prevista 7+)