Carrie Patterson (American, born Tokyo, Japan) has for over twenty years developed a daily perceptual painting practice that engages her mind and body by creating geometric paintings that embody a poetic, physical translation of space. She earned a BFA in Studio Art from James Madison University and a MFA in Painting from The University of Pennsylvania, and was a student resident at the New York Studio School where she worked with second generation abstract expressionists Charles Cajori, Mercedes Matter and Rosemarie Beck. Her work has been exhibited nationally, with solo exhibitions at The Painting Center (New York, NY), Mary Baldwin University (Staunton, VA), Southwest Minnesota State University Art Museum (Marshall, MN), Susan Randolph (New York, NY), AxD Gallery (Philadelphia, PA), and University of Maryland College at the Federal Courthouse (Greenbelt, MD). Her work has been included in exhibitions at Kathryn Markel Fine Art (New York, NY), The Painting Center (New York, NY), The New York Studio School (New York, NY), C2 Fine Art (St. Petersburg, FL), WPA Select at the Katzen Art Center, American University (Washington, DC) and the Sherman Gallery at Boston University (Boston, MA). Her work has been written about in the Washington Post, City Arts New York Press, Abstract Art Online, Geoform Abstract Art, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. In 2021, she was awarded a Maryland State Individual Artist Award. Patterson was elected to membership at The Painting Center and served for many years on the Executive Board. An exceptional and longstanding advocate for the arts, Carrie has served on the Board of the St. Mary’s County Arts Council, volunteers her time and expertise to many arts organizations, and has authored How to See for The Great Courses, The Teaching Company. With over two decades of teaching experience at the college level, she engages diverse audiences with an outpouring of insight and energy. Under the umbrella of CP Art Studio, LLC, Patterson founded, an arts education company that provides art projects for everyone and in 2020,, a college art admissions consulting company, providing guidance for college bound artistic teens and their families. She currently serves as the Steven Muller Distinguished Professor of the Arts at St. Mary’s College of Maryland where she is a tenured Professor of Art and chair of the Department of Art and Art History.